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The Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) was created in 1946 as a public corporation and political subdivision of the state of Nebraska. OPPD is one of the largest publicly owned electric utilities in the U.S.

The management of OPPD is under the direction of its president and chief executive officer, with oversight from an eight-member board of directors, elected by the people in the areas served.

Sound principles of corporate governance and oversight are necessary for OPPD to achieve its strategic objectives and to continue providing value to its customer-owners. The following documents define the roles and obligations of the OPPD Board of Directors and its committees in leading OPPD and advancing the interests of all customer-owners and employees.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

The Corporate Governance Guidelines define the roles, responsibilities and structure of the board of directors and executive leadership team. The guidelines also contain information on the election and terms of the board, and the board’s oversight of OPPD management.

Board Governance Policies & Strategic Directives

The Board Governance Policies & Strategic Directives are a product of the Governance Initiative and designed to help the Board: 1) sharpen its focus on critical issues, 2) clarify the relationship between Board and the executive leadership team, 3) optimize decision-making, and 4) deliver organizational results aligned with agreed upon strategic performance objectives and risk levels. 

Board of Directors Information

Board Member Information
Public Meeting Participation Guidelines 
Directors Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (supporting document to SD-10: Ethics) 

Board Committees and Charters
The OPPD Board of Directors has established four committees to focus its attention on certain topics with major significance to OPPD’s business:

Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Leadership Information lists the executive leadership team members and their respective areas of responsibility.


Corporate Oversight

OPPD has internal policies in place to maintain and lay out the structures of corporate oversight. The following documents or regulatory links provide corporate oversight information and company expectations regarding employee business practices and ethics.

Business Practices and Ethics

The Code of Conduct provides expectations for high ethical standards in all aspects of company operations; ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations and company policies; establishes clear guidelines for ethical standards; and requires disclosure by all employees of potential conflicts of interest.         

Compliance Oversight
OPPD must comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The following documents outline procedures for maintaining such compliance.