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Assistance Programs
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Assistance Programs

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Providing support to keep your power on

Everyone needs help from time to time. So whether you’re looking for a short-term solution for a gap in finances or for a long-term way to keep up with your utility bills, OPPD understands – and we have a range of programs to help.

Below is a list of plans and resources offered by OPPD to help with utility bills, along with information about how to access assistance. Some programs involve collaboration with other organizations. If you can’t find answers to your questions here, please call customer service at 1-877-536-4131.

OPPD Energy Assistance Program (EAP)

OPPD Energy Assistance Program (EAP)

The OPPD Energy Assistance Program (EAP) provides utility bill assistance to help cover the emergency energy needs of households located within the 13-county OPPD service territory.

EAP assistance funds are distributed to eligible customers through a network of over 30 Community Base Organizations located across OPPD service territory. Applicants receive assistance based on eligibility criteria and availability of funds, with a maximum of $500 in assistance per year.

Success of the EAP depends on community partnerships, donations from generous employees and customers, and other fundraising efforts, with 100% of the contributions going to assist residential customers in need.

How to Apply:

  • Apply through a partner agency.
    Locate an agency on the agency finder website or call the 24 hour Agency Finder hotline, 1-888-650-9132 (Automated system based on zip code provided).
  • Apply by phone.
    Call 2-1-1, to apply for funding over the phone through United Way.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must an OPPD customer
  • Household’s gross income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines
  • Eligible customers are those who are experiencing an acute financial crisis due to a verifiable emergency (illness, death, lay-off, loss of income, etc.)

Required Documentation:

  • Photo ID (i.e. state issued ID card, state issued driver's license, passport, etc.)
  • Demonstration of financial crisis due to verifiable emergency
  • Income verification for the last 30 days
  • Copy of OPPD bill

See how OPPD's EAP helped Judy keep the lights on for her family.



Customer Assistance Program Pilot (CAP)

Customer Assistance Program Pilot (CAP)

The OPPD Customer Assistance Program (CAP) is a pilot program designed to provide financial assistance in the form of a monthly bill credit for households within the 13-county OPPD service area. The program will reduce a customer's electric burden to a more affordable level as long as the customer makes on-time payments. 

Maximum enrollment for the CAP pilot is 3,000 customers. Once enrollment reaches that level, no more customers will be accepted into the pilot program. 

How to Apply:

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be an OPPD customer and current on their bill.
  • Total gross (before taxes) household income must be at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. (Use the HHS Poverty Guidelines to find out if you qualify.)
  • Customer must pay their bill monthly to participate in the program.
  • Customer must recertify their eligibility annually.
  • Any change in household size or income must be reported within 10 business days.

Required Documentation:

  • Photo ID (i.e. state issued ID card, state issued driver's license, passport, etc.)
  • Income verification for the last 30 days
  • Copy of OPPD bill

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

LIHEAP is a federal program that makes financial assistance available to low-income households with immediate energy needs. This program helps families afford the electricity needed to stay warm during the winter, cool in summer and keep the lights on year round.

How to apply for LIHEAP

Go online to ACCESSNebraska at or call 402-595-1258 or 1-800-383-4278.

Payment Installment

Payment Installment

For those situations when you may need some extra time to catch up on your electric bill, a Payment Installment may be able to help. The program can be set up for 6, 9, or 12 months. If you miss one payment, you will be removed from the program, the full amount will be due and you will be unable to reapply for six months.

Enroll Now



OPPD Energy Efficiency Assistance Program (EEAP)

OPPD Energy Efficiency Assistance Program (EEAP)

We want to help you (and others in the community) find as many ways possible to bring down your monthly bills, make your family’s home more comfortable, and reduce your overall energy use. That’s why the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program is here to help you make efficient improvements to your home and connect you with knowledgeable professionals.

At no cost to you, EEAP may help:
  • Reduce your monthly utility bills
  • Grant up to $2,000 in energy-efficient home upgrades
  • Teach valuable cost-cutting energy saving tips
  • Improve your family’s comfort

How the Program Works

After you’ve applied and are accepted into the program (see Eligibility Requirements below), we provide a complimentary in-home energy assessment of your home to identify other areas for energy-efficiency upgrades. This home audit takes just 3-4 hours to complete and gives us a detailed overview of your home’s energy use. We can then determine whether your home qualifies for up to $2,000 in improvements, implemented by contractor partners like Habitat for Humanity of Omaha, Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs, Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (SENCA), Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (NENCAP), and Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (CAPLSC).


There are only 2 simple requirements to qualify for the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program:

 1. Your household income is less than 200% of the federal poverty level
2. You own a home within OPPD service territory
You rent a property that has one to eight units within OPPD's service territory & have written permission from the landlord/property owner

How to Apply

Simply fill out the contact form. You may also call the phone number or fill out the online application listed for your appropriate county below. We’ll take care of everything else.

If you live in Douglas County, contact:

Habitat for Humanity of Omaha (HFHO)
1229 Millwork Ave, Suite 301, Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 457-5657
Habitat for Humanity of Omaha application

If you live in Carter Lake, Iowa contact:

Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs (HFHCB)
1228 S Main St, Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Habitat for Humanity of Council Bluffs application

If you live in Saunders County, contact:

Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (CAPLSC)
210 O St, Lincoln, NE 68508

If you live in Washington, Burt, Dodge, or Colfax Counties, contact:

Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (NENCAP)
603 Earl St, Pender, NE 68047
(402) 385-6300
Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (NENCAP) application

If you live in Sarpy, Cass, Otoe, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee or Richardson Counties, contact:

Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (SENCA)
802 Fourth Street, Humboldt, NE 68376
(402) 862-2411
Southeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership (SENCA) application

Support your neighbors in need.
Give to the Energy Assistance Program.

The OPPD Energy Assistance Program (EAP) was established to help customers pay energy-related expenses when money is tight. Throughout the OPPD community, people are experiencing a gap in income and are desperate for assistance to help cover the cost of utility bills. You can make a difference by contributing to the EAP.

How can I help?

There are various ways to donate to our program. Donate now or see additional options below.
• Make a monthly pledge or one-time donation in the amount of your choice by completing the Energy Assistance Pledge form
• Call customer service at 402-536-4131 to donate by phone
• Pledge or donate on your bill statement by marking the appropriate box and adding the contribution to your payment

Thank you! Your support of the EAP is greatly appreciated.

Know someone who could use a little extra help? You can help make someone’s month a little brighter by giving the Gift of Energy. The Gift of Energy program allows anyone to make a payment towards a friend, loved one or neighbor’s OPPD account.

To give the Gift of Energy, fill out the Gift of Energy Form, or Learn more HERE.