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Education Corner
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Education Corner

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Resources for Parents, Teachers and Students

The Education Corner provides online assistance and educational resources from OPPD and outside organizations. Please follow the links below to learn more.

OPPD Resources

Energy Education Program - OPPD and the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project partnered to provide the Energy Education Program for educators in the OPPD service territory.
Energy Efficiency Video Library - Our energy-efficiency video library covers everything from changing furnace filter to building an energy-efficient home.
Watt Detector Program - OPPD collaborates with libraries in our service territory to offer residents a way to measure how much energy their appliances use.
Scholarships - OPPD offers a number of scholarships to help students achieve their educational goals.


Interactive Sites

Energy Kids - An interactive site that includes games and activities, teacher lesson plans, science fair experiments and much more.
ENERGY STAR Kids - This site provides energy games from The Lorax, provides helpful energy-saving tips and fun facts. - This is a great resource for current STEM and energy industry news.