Greener Together Program
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Greener Together Program

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Collectively Building a Greener Community

Join the program that connects community members and supports green initiatives.

The Greener Together Program gives every member of the OPPD community a voice. As part of the program, you contribute monthly, and all funds collected go toward selecting and supporting green projects within our community. For more information on Greener Together funding and projects, check out our Greener Together Community Dashboard. (The dashboard is undergoing maintenance and will be available as soon as possible).

Lead the Way

Image of many hands holding dirt and plantThe Greener Together Program gives every member of the OPPD community a voice. As part of the program, you contribute monthly, and all funds collected go toward selecting and supporting green projects within our community. Based on the amount you contribute, you’ll have full access to all project details, as well as the opportunity to submit ideas and help identify which projects move forward. It’s one program that sparks many diverse initiatives. And you can be an integral part of the effort.


Impact today: This program implements grassroots improvement, such as bike paths, composting, tree planting and public park solar projects. Impact tomorrow: Every project is funded by the Greener Together Program has a focus on making a positive, long-term impact on the sustainability of our community for generations to come. Build a greater sense of community: The program connects early adopters, communities and groups and allows them exclusively access to these projects, giving them the power to collaborate and better our environmment.

The 3 Membership Levels

  • Select a membership level and choose a price that works best for you.
  • All levels include access to our Community Connect dashboard where members can find project details, and suggest and vote on upcoming initiatives.
  • The more you contribute monthly, the more involvement you’ll have on each new project. 

Membership levels: Silver $4.50-6.50; 1. Program updates 2. Access to program dashboard 3. Vote on potential projects; Gold level, $7-9.50, 1. Program updates, 2. Access to program dashboard, 3. Vote on potential projects, 4. Select winning projects; Emerald level, $10+, 1. Program updates, 2. Access to program dashboard, 3. Vote on potential projects, 4. Select winning projects, 5. Greener Together merchandise

Sign up now for the Greener Together Program

Testimonial from a current member: "This program is amazing. I enjoy getting to be such an integral part of making this city I live more environmentally friendly." Beth C.

Putting You in the Driver's Seat

If you have environmental goals constantly on your mind or have been looking for a way to contribute, the Greener Together Program offers an affordable way to come together to support and drive decision-making for projects that better the environment inside our OPPD community. There are two focuses at the center of this program.

Transparency icon image
As a public utility, we strive for transparency for all OPPD customers. Through the Greener Together Program, all members participating gain a full view of where and how funds are implemented. (The dashboard is undergoing maintenance and will be available as soon as possible).

Get Started Today. 1. Sign up and select your preferred monthly contribution.  2. Gain full access instantly to all projects - past, current and upcoming.  3. Start making a long-lasting difference in your community.

Sign up now for the Greener Together Program

Apply for Project Funding

Got a project in mind? If you are a non-profit, non-profit educational institution, cultural enrichment organization or health & human services organization, you can submit projects to be funded through the Greener Together Program.

Project applications are accepted on an annual basis from April-June.

Email us to be notified when the application period opens.

Important Project Application Details:

  • Projects must fall under at least one of the following categories; Renewable Energy, Environmental Sustainability, or Community Betterment/Education.
  • Funding requests must fall within a $10,000-$100,000 funding range.
  • To submit a project, fill out the Project Funding Application.
    **Please be sure to read the applicant requirements prior to submitting your application.
  • You will be notified when your project application is received along with a timeline for the project selection process.

Apply Now

Have a suggestion for a green project? Let us know by emailing


Where can I find the Greener Together Community Dashboard?

Everyone now has access to the community dashboard. (The dashboard is undergoing maintenance and will be available as soon as possible).

How does the voting work?

There are three membership levels within the Greener Together Program – Silver, Gold and Emerald. Each comes with differing benefits, based on your level of financial contribution. All funds collected across the three tiers go toward selected projects within our OPPD community.

After signing up, all participating members will be given access to our Greener Together Community Dashboard, which provides a full understanding of each current and potential project. It is here where you can apply for and about project applicants for voting.

When funds allow and it’s time to kick off a new project, OPPD will present a shortlist of potential projects submitted and provided by the community. Based on your membership level, you will be able to cast your vote.

Silver Members: You can vote on the preliminary shortlist to narrow down the potential projects.

Gold Members: In addition to voting on the preliminary shortlist, you can vote on the final projects that will be selected.

Emerald Members: Not only can you vote on the preliminary shortlist and the final projects, but you’ll also receive Greener Together Merchandise that you can wear proudly.

Regardless of your membership level and voting capabilities, all participants will receive updates on projects as they progress.

How often will you have new projects?

The number of projects we fund is determined by the contributions the program receives monthly. Currently, the Greener Together Program has one project funding application period from April-June.

How do the tier levels work?

Depending on your monthly contribution amount, you will be bucketed into 1 of the 3 Greener Together tier levels. The more you contribute, the more perks you will receive. However, all customers will get consistent program updates, access to a Greener Together dashboard and have the opportunity to vote on community projects.

Membership levels: Silver $4.50-6.50; 1. Program updates 2. Access to program dashboard 3. Vote on potential projects; Gold level, $7-9.50, 1. Program updates, 2. Access to program dashboard, 3. Vote on potential projects, 4. Select winning projects; Emerald level, $10+, 1. Program updates, 2. Access to program dashboard, 3. Vote on potential projects, 4. Select winning projects, 5. Greener Together merchandise

Who are the members of the Greener Together Project Review Committee?

The Greener Together Project Review Committee members are OPPD employees as well as customers within the OPPD service territory.

How can I join the Greener Together Project Review Committee?

If you are interested in being a member of the Greener Together Project Review Committee, click here to learn more details.

Who can submit Greener Together projects?

Non-profit organizations, non-profit educational institutions, cultural enrichment organizations and health and human services organizations are eligible to submit projects to be funded by the Greener Together Program.

Where can I receive updates about Greener Together projects?

When you sign up to be a Greener Together customer, you will receive a link to the Greener Together Community Dashboard. Here, along with email communications, you will get regular updates about ongoing and upcoming projects as well as voting updates.

Can I be a Greener Together customer and submit a project?

Yes, you can be a Greener Together customer and submit a project to be funded by the Greener Together Program.

Can I vote on my own project?

If you are a Greener Together customer and also submit a community project to be funded, you cannot vote on your own project.

What is included in the 10% administrative costs that may be used by OPPD?

The administrative costs will be used to cover the cost of OPPD employees managing the Greener Together Program.

Contact Us

Email us at or call 402-536-4131.